Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BEDA #3: Inception

So the other day I finally got the chance to see Inception in town, and I had heard so many good things about it that I really couldn't wait. It ended up being one of the best films I've ever seen, and I was really very impressed with its originality and ability to keep me on my toes. I never really knew what to expect or what was going to happen. Predictability was not there.

More than everything, probably my favorite part of the movie was the fact that all of the imagined places and special effects were so realistic. The moment when Ellen Page's character creates the entire world of her dream, folding the street over on top of itself, was simultaneously terrifying and thrilling, and looked so real that I felt as though it might happen to me when I left the theater.

Possibly the only downfall to the movie is that it's so psychologically affecting that most people who see it have strange dreams that night. For me, I actually had the first nightmare I've had in about 6 years. Most of my friends had strange dreams themselves, and I have to wonder why? What is it about the concept of dreams that gets us all interested? The idea that there is some subconscious way to affect what happens during our conscious hours has been around for centuries, and the thought that people might be able to invade the mind has probably been around even longer.

I don't claim to have any philosophical theories as to the validity of these claims, but I certainly have more interest in it now that I've seen the movie. This video made by Alex Carpenter from The Remus Lupins about the movie is quite amusing though =]

That's all from me for today! Until tomorrow!

HPRT: Watching AVPS again... Why is it so darn addictive?
Current Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Current Song: The Coolest Girl from A Very Potter Sequel

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