Saturday, September 4, 2010

Disappointments and ramblings.

It feels so weird not to be be blogging every day anymore. I felt like writing the first two days after BEDA ended, but resisted since I deserved a break.

In the couple days since BEDA ended, I've learned a few things. The cast lists came out for the rest of the shows this semester, and I didn't receive a part in either. I had mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, my semester so far has been so stressful that I'm horribly sick right now. On the other... I really want to be in a show. It's why I'm in school, it's why I'm here. I'm paying to learn how to develop my craft and I want to be able to use what I've learned so far. I need a chance.

The summerstage show was very good for that. I think I proved to the professors that I can do this, and that I'm really dedicated to it. I honestly can't imagine myself doing anything else in the future, and I haven't been able to since I was 13 years old. I'm very passionate about what I do, and I felt very, very prepared for this audition season. I think I understand why it is that I wasn't cast, but I would still like a chance to do what I love.

Anyway, I'm sitting on my couch at home, trying not to cough, and I'm watching the first Auburn football game of the season, rooting for my fellow Theatre major, who's playing. Go #63!

I had to stay home from school yesterday because of how sick I am, and Monday is Labor day, so I effectively had a 4 day weekend. Thank goodness. I needed it.

I watched so much Buffy yesterday that I finished Season 4 today. I'll start Season 5 tonight, I think, if I don't watch AVPS, which I started over again this week =P

I just felt like checking in. I'm fairly certain that I'll be writing more often on this blog in the coming months. I have a lot going on, and I'm sure that as the semester goes on I'll be needing more and more to vent/explain/ponder/just write in general.

Harry Potter DH Pt 1: 76 days.
NYC Wizard Rock Festival: 77 days.

HPRT: I played "The Coolest Girl" for my mom today. I think she and I both agreed that it's fairly applicable to my life right now.
Current Book: Nothing. Still. I'm too glued to my computer.
Current Song: Only Power Remains by Ministry of Magic

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