Saturday, April 9, 2011

BEDA Day 9

I think I've hit that point in the semester when I just don't care anymore.

-I still have 3 full weeks of classes.
-I have the whole run of Hamlet to get through.
-I have a World Lit paper due next Friday.
-I sing in rep class on Wednesday.
-I have a whole other assignment for Theatre History due sometime between now and the end of the semester that she hasn't even assigned to us yet.
-I have my last scene due for Musical Theatre Acting.
-I have at least two outcomes to prepare material for.
-My dad's Birthday is coming up next weekend and I have no ideas for presents.
-I have my first BFA-mandatory show audition the last week of classes for which I am completely unprepared. 30 second comedic pantomime? WHAT?

All of this I have to get done with BEFORE I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT FINALS. And I've hit a wall. I just have no motivation for any of it, except perhaps my last scene for MT Acting because at least I don't really have to worry about that. It's gonna be easy. Bridget and I are solid on it. I'm not worried about that. But everything else... just... how am I gonna work up the motivation to power through everything when I'm over this semester and I'm over all these classes that I'm taking and I don't really get that much time to relax because as soon as the semester's over I'm getting my wisdom teeth out and then starting summer school for two core classes that I'm in NO way excited for?

Hating on the world right now. I'll get through it eventually. Off to Ben's to watch LOTR, hopefully that will cheer me up =]

HPRT: Wishing I was in Miami for the Miami Yule Ball. Wish I could see MoM again.
Current Book: I'm going over Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight for my World Lit paper.
Current Song: World of Warcraft Ruined My Life by ALL CAPS

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