Friday, November 4, 2011


It's kind of funny how things fall into your lap all at once. And I don't just mean bad, sucky things like research papers and BFA outcomes and Wardrobe Mistressing for a show and auditions to prepare for and NaNoWriMo to finish/win. I also mean the good things. the unexpected things that help you with your stress. Things that quite literally come right out of the blue and you had no way to anticipate them or prepare for them. The generosity of other people and opportunities you never thought would come your way. Even if nothing comes from it, at least you realize the people who really were your friends all along, and you appreciate them so much more because of it.

It's been one of those crazy up-and-down days you guys. It's just been one of those days. And I truly am thankful for my friends.

HPRT: Listening to Warlock's Hairy Heart again. Man, that opera gives me chills, in both the good and the bad ways.
Current Book: Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving (for my World Lit class)
Current Song: "Even Though" from I Love You, Because...