For the longest time I had convinced myself that I wasn't going to do NaNoWriMo this year. There were several reasons why this was, not the least of which was the fact that my semester is literally insane, therefore I was anticipating no time, I had no story ideas (or no new ones anyway, and as far as I know, you're not allowed to work on the same story two years in a row), I wanted to win and didn't know if I could commit to it this year, etc. However, after having watched this video, I realized that these were all superficial, stupid reasons. Kristina is right, there is no excuse to not do NaNoWriMo this year.
Honestly, aside from the video, the main reason I got excited about NaNoWriMo was the fact that a lot of Youtubers were telling their Twitter followers to add them as writing buddies if they were participating this year. When I saw that Luke Conard was attempting this year, I was like, Done. Finished. Of course I'm gonna do it now.
The big worry of mine, however, was the fact that I was still lacking another original story idea. I love the one that I attempted last year, but I failed so miserably last year, I just didn't want to force the issue with that one. I want to go back and work on it when I feel inspired to. Better to start fresh with a new idea. Luckily, one came to me last night in the shower.
I'm... not going to tell you what it's about, but it was based on a conversation I had with my mother. I will give you a hint: it's hopefully going to have a very John Green/Maureen Johnson/Cassondra Clare/Cinda Williams Chima feel to it. And if you've read books by any of these authors, you'll know exactly what I'm shooting for. Especially Cinda Williams Chima and Cassondra Clare. Those women are wonderful.
So we'll see. Here's my list of Wills and Won'ts for this year.
I WILL plan enough over the next couple days before it starts that I'll have a decent idea of where I want my story to go. In tandem with this:
I WILL finish watching Buffy this weekend so that I can pour my Buffy-withdrawal symptoms into writing. And so that I don't feel tempted to get distracted by watching it. xD
I WON'T fall into the trap that I fell into last year of continuously re-writing what I'd already written until it got so tedious and so late in the game that I gave up.
I WILL just write to write, just get something down on the page and not care about whether or not it's good. Re-writes can come later.
I WON'T write too much in one day.
I WILL stick to the 1,667 words a day limit.
I WON'T deny myself the ability to go over the limit if I'm feeling especially inspired.
I WILL write during the day.
I WON'T postpone it until the night. I'm far too tired this semester and I'll start falling behind.
There are probably more, but these are the ones I can come up with at the moment. I think it's a pretty good list, considering I'm no longer a rookie at this. I'm a veteran. Not a seasoned one, but one nonetheless.
Here's wishing you all a wonderful NaNoWriMo, fall season and November!
P.S. Mockingjay review blog post will be up soon. When I have time.
HPRT: Today in rep class, we were learning the choreography for our mini-pops next month, and one of the moves caused my friend Garrett to quote the part of AVPS when Lucius Malfoy comes in and does the leap across the floor. I then commenced doing that move myself. It made my day =]
Current Book: None. No time. Damn.
Current Song: Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
SETC Madness
I've been ridiculously exhausted lately, and it's really no wonder why. Some pretty stressful things have been happening back to back in a matter of days.
First thing was SETC. Last Saturday, I did my SETC screening audition for the State of Alabama. I was horribly nervous and I kind of felt left out up until I arrived on the campus of Montevallo because no one had asked me if I needed a place to stay up there or a way to get there. I ended up going with my mom, and we made it a good experience. I was ultimately really glad that she was there. She calmed me down when I was nervous and about to go up there. She was the last person I saw aside from my fellow group members when I went up to the auditorium. That really helped. She also warmed me up in the car before my group was called. I think my audition went really well too. I felt totally solid on my first song and my monologue. The second song was really strong too, but I felt that my high G could have been a bit better, but you know, there are always things we wish we could change. IN the long run, I was feeling pretty confident in my chances to get passed on to go to the conference itself, or at least make it onto the alternate list.
So that was one thing. The second thing was my second Japanese test. Which ended up being a breeze. My upcoming Oral Interview on the other hand....... I'm scared. Let's just say that.
Third thing: SETC got totally effed up. Let me explain from the beginning of this whole fiasco. They decided to do the results differently this year. Traditionally they would post the numbers of who got passed on and who was an alternate at the end of the Saturday auditions, and people would find out that way. This year they decided to automate things and make a database on their server that they would enter the information into and then it would send us the emails. Well.
Basically, they told us before the Saturday auditions started that we should expect the results on possibly Monday, more likely Tuesday. So. We waited patiently through Sunday and Monday. We waited impatiently through Tuesday. Still no word. One of the seniors called them on Tuesday asking about results, and they said that they had been locked out of their program and that they were trying to break back into it, so they hoped to have the results up by that night or early the next day.
So we wait really impatiently through Tuesday. Still nothing. It gets to be Wednesday and they are now a day late. We wait through the day and... can you guess?? Still no word!! People are getting pissed off by this point. So Thursday, yesterday, comes and there's still nothing. We finally get an email in the middle of the day saying that the database had switched up people's numbers and their scores, so they now had to sort that out and make sense of it all from the audition sheets. Ok. They might be dysfunctional and complete dumbasses, but at least we know what's going on. Or so we thought.
Apparently they have UTTERLY NO CONTROL over their own system, because at about 3:30 this morning, a whole slew of false emails were sent out to the auditioners, saying that they had or hadn't passed. Literally everyone from Auburn except for 3 people got a "not pass" email, including myself, those who got passed on last year and some of the most talented people in the department. We knew something was wrong when Bridget and Chris didn't get passed on. Completely preposterous, especially since not only was Chris's audition completely solid and hilarious, but he's already Equity and therefore has priority. So after our 8am class, Dan, the head of the department, emailed the head of the entire Theatre Conference program and asked what was going on. We then received an email forwarded by Dan saying that they're looking into it and that hopefully it will be rectified soon.
But seriously. How effed up is this place?
Now I just have to worry about my two tests and my interview next week. Ew.
But, there was one really awesome thing about this week.
I went to my second ever Wizard Rock show yesterday!! Originally it was going to be me and Kelly C, then I told Elizabeth about it and she was totally down with it, so we were all set. Then Kelly's grandpa started having serious health problems, so she pulled out. Completely understandable, but it was still sad. I know it meant a lot to her, so I agree with her choice.
But Elizabeth and I ended up leaving Auburn at 1 yesterday, only because I managed to take my Piano Skills test early, and we spent the entire ride talking HP and listening to MoM and awesome music. We totally nerded out. When we got to Decatur, I was really happy to see that the show was on the same street as the ROFLCOPTOUR stop this summer! What was not happy about it was how few people were there! In the summer (probably because it was the summer xD) there was a line out the freaking door to get in. There were probably at most at one time 20 people there to see them. But honestly, I didn't care.
I got to see The Whomping Willows, Lauren Fairweather and JFF and the Sugar Quills again!! The whole first hour or so of the show, we just stood at the merch tables talking to all of them. I got posters for Kelly and Jennie, who both gave me money to buy them posters, and bought posters for myself. We all donated to the Friends of Esther fund to raise money to help her parents pay for Esther's hospital bills. I couldn't decide what to do with the rest of my money, so I waited to decide until after the show was over.
Armoured Bearcub, Lauren and Matt's band, opened with some my favorites, "In Which Buffy Slays Edward," "We're On Fire," and "Peeing in a Bottle" among them. Then JFF played a fabulous show, as always. What I love about JFF is that even though his songs are repetitive, he's so into what he's doing, so invested in each story he tells that you can't not love him! He's so funny and energetic, and he's just a great performer. That's what really impressed me about him this summer when I saw him. It was really great to see someone so involved with the character. As an actor, that always makes me really happy =]
Lauren played next, and there was a really beautiful moment when she talked about Esther and their donation jar and then played her slower song "Art Class." I was really blown away by the emotion and the sincerity. I recorded it on my new video camera (which is beautiful btw!). Too great a moment not to capture.
Matt closed as the Whomping Willow. He was totally hysterical, as always, and the audience really got into his songs. What I was really happy about was the fact that I got to go up on "stage" with him and a couple other people and teach the crowd the dance to the Neville song!! Elizabeth, being the best friend ever that she is, recorded it for me on my camera!! He high-fived me afterward!! YAY!
Afterward, I eventually decided on Matt's Whomping Willows t-shirt, the Armoured Bearcub digital download CD, and JFF's CD with all my favorite songs on it, as well as two JFF buttons. The rest went to the donation jar. Of course.
I had some really awesome conversations with Matt and Lauren, and I gave them my Mix CD contest entry. No word yet on if they like it... I think there are only 3 entries including mine at the moment, so we'll see.
Overall, Elizabeth and I had a blast. I think she was really psyched to be at her first Wizard Rock show, even if they were bands she hadn't really listened to ever. I asked her if she enjoyed the show and she said she really liked everyone. That made me happy =]
That's all for now!
HPRT: I wore my Whomping Willows shirt today to school =]
Current Book: None, but I finished Mockingjay two weeks ago. I'll write a blog post about that later. Because I sure have a lot to say about it.
Current Song: "In Which Buffy Slays Edward" by Armoured Bearcub
First thing was SETC. Last Saturday, I did my SETC screening audition for the State of Alabama. I was horribly nervous and I kind of felt left out up until I arrived on the campus of Montevallo because no one had asked me if I needed a place to stay up there or a way to get there. I ended up going with my mom, and we made it a good experience. I was ultimately really glad that she was there. She calmed me down when I was nervous and about to go up there. She was the last person I saw aside from my fellow group members when I went up to the auditorium. That really helped. She also warmed me up in the car before my group was called. I think my audition went really well too. I felt totally solid on my first song and my monologue. The second song was really strong too, but I felt that my high G could have been a bit better, but you know, there are always things we wish we could change. IN the long run, I was feeling pretty confident in my chances to get passed on to go to the conference itself, or at least make it onto the alternate list.
So that was one thing. The second thing was my second Japanese test. Which ended up being a breeze. My upcoming Oral Interview on the other hand....... I'm scared. Let's just say that.
Third thing: SETC got totally effed up. Let me explain from the beginning of this whole fiasco. They decided to do the results differently this year. Traditionally they would post the numbers of who got passed on and who was an alternate at the end of the Saturday auditions, and people would find out that way. This year they decided to automate things and make a database on their server that they would enter the information into and then it would send us the emails. Well.
Basically, they told us before the Saturday auditions started that we should expect the results on possibly Monday, more likely Tuesday. So. We waited patiently through Sunday and Monday. We waited impatiently through Tuesday. Still no word. One of the seniors called them on Tuesday asking about results, and they said that they had been locked out of their program and that they were trying to break back into it, so they hoped to have the results up by that night or early the next day.
So we wait really impatiently through Tuesday. Still nothing. It gets to be Wednesday and they are now a day late. We wait through the day and... can you guess?? Still no word!! People are getting pissed off by this point. So Thursday, yesterday, comes and there's still nothing. We finally get an email in the middle of the day saying that the database had switched up people's numbers and their scores, so they now had to sort that out and make sense of it all from the audition sheets. Ok. They might be dysfunctional and complete dumbasses, but at least we know what's going on. Or so we thought.
Apparently they have UTTERLY NO CONTROL over their own system, because at about 3:30 this morning, a whole slew of false emails were sent out to the auditioners, saying that they had or hadn't passed. Literally everyone from Auburn except for 3 people got a "not pass" email, including myself, those who got passed on last year and some of the most talented people in the department. We knew something was wrong when Bridget and Chris didn't get passed on. Completely preposterous, especially since not only was Chris's audition completely solid and hilarious, but he's already Equity and therefore has priority. So after our 8am class, Dan, the head of the department, emailed the head of the entire Theatre Conference program and asked what was going on. We then received an email forwarded by Dan saying that they're looking into it and that hopefully it will be rectified soon.
But seriously. How effed up is this place?
Now I just have to worry about my two tests and my interview next week. Ew.
But, there was one really awesome thing about this week.
I went to my second ever Wizard Rock show yesterday!! Originally it was going to be me and Kelly C, then I told Elizabeth about it and she was totally down with it, so we were all set. Then Kelly's grandpa started having serious health problems, so she pulled out. Completely understandable, but it was still sad. I know it meant a lot to her, so I agree with her choice.
But Elizabeth and I ended up leaving Auburn at 1 yesterday, only because I managed to take my Piano Skills test early, and we spent the entire ride talking HP and listening to MoM and awesome music. We totally nerded out. When we got to Decatur, I was really happy to see that the show was on the same street as the ROFLCOPTOUR stop this summer! What was not happy about it was how few people were there! In the summer (probably because it was the summer xD) there was a line out the freaking door to get in. There were probably at most at one time 20 people there to see them. But honestly, I didn't care.
I got to see The Whomping Willows, Lauren Fairweather and JFF and the Sugar Quills again!! The whole first hour or so of the show, we just stood at the merch tables talking to all of them. I got posters for Kelly and Jennie, who both gave me money to buy them posters, and bought posters for myself. We all donated to the Friends of Esther fund to raise money to help her parents pay for Esther's hospital bills. I couldn't decide what to do with the rest of my money, so I waited to decide until after the show was over.
Armoured Bearcub, Lauren and Matt's band, opened with some my favorites, "In Which Buffy Slays Edward," "We're On Fire," and "Peeing in a Bottle" among them. Then JFF played a fabulous show, as always. What I love about JFF is that even though his songs are repetitive, he's so into what he's doing, so invested in each story he tells that you can't not love him! He's so funny and energetic, and he's just a great performer. That's what really impressed me about him this summer when I saw him. It was really great to see someone so involved with the character. As an actor, that always makes me really happy =]
Lauren played next, and there was a really beautiful moment when she talked about Esther and their donation jar and then played her slower song "Art Class." I was really blown away by the emotion and the sincerity. I recorded it on my new video camera (which is beautiful btw!). Too great a moment not to capture.
Matt closed as the Whomping Willow. He was totally hysterical, as always, and the audience really got into his songs. What I was really happy about was the fact that I got to go up on "stage" with him and a couple other people and teach the crowd the dance to the Neville song!! Elizabeth, being the best friend ever that she is, recorded it for me on my camera!! He high-fived me afterward!! YAY!
Afterward, I eventually decided on Matt's Whomping Willows t-shirt, the Armoured Bearcub digital download CD, and JFF's CD with all my favorite songs on it, as well as two JFF buttons. The rest went to the donation jar. Of course.
I had some really awesome conversations with Matt and Lauren, and I gave them my Mix CD contest entry. No word yet on if they like it... I think there are only 3 entries including mine at the moment, so we'll see.
Overall, Elizabeth and I had a blast. I think she was really psyched to be at her first Wizard Rock show, even if they were bands she hadn't really listened to ever. I asked her if she enjoyed the show and she said she really liked everyone. That made me happy =]
That's all for now!
HPRT: I wore my Whomping Willows shirt today to school =]
Current Book: None, but I finished Mockingjay two weeks ago. I'll write a blog post about that later. Because I sure have a lot to say about it.
Current Song: "In Which Buffy Slays Edward" by Armoured Bearcub
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